What We Do
Individual & Family Programs
Family and Children’s Services’ individual and family programs are provided in an empathetic, warm, and non-judgmental manner by licensed mental health professionals, several of whom are bilingual English/Spanish. Our clinical team recognizes that thoughts, feelings, and behaviors can be influenced by earlier events in our lives, and we help clients cope with anxiety, depression, and other challenges.
Mental Health Counseling
Family and Children’s Services is licensed by the New Jersey Department of Health to provide outpatient mental health counseling for individuals, couples, and families. We used evidence-based therapy to treat anxiety and depression, school and workplace difficulties, family challenges and relationship issues. We are now In-network with Horizon BCBSNJ! We also accept Medicaid, self-pay, and a limited number of sliding scale clients.
Parenting Classes
FACS’ weekly parenting classes provide a supportive community of other parents, as well as a skilled facilitator to lead the discussions. Topics include positive reinforcement, developmental stages, building self-esteem, and parenting self-care. Parenting classes run two hours each for 8 weeks. Classes are available in English and Spanish. FACS accepts referrals from NJ DCPP as well as self-pay clients.
Case Management
(In Home Life Skills)
Funded through the Division of Child Protection and Permanency, this program is available to parents in Union County who are struggling to provide basic needs for their children. FACS’ case managers provide in home support, assisting families with budgeting, basic parenting skills, and accessing local resources, including food pantries, safety net programs, and other public and non-profit assistance programs. Individuals may self-refer, or be referred by NJ DCPP.
Post-Adoption Services for Adults
Family and Children’s Services is licensed by the Division of Children and Families to provide adoption services for adults who were adopted through the agency, including creating an adoption synopsis/narrative. The agency also conducts background checks for step-parents and assists with search and reunification. Our adoption services are self-pay.
(Hope, Empathy, and Recovery from Trauma)
A counseling program for unaccompanied migrant children.
Conoce a un niño o adolescente que inmigró a los Estados Unidos y fue separado de sus padres o cuidadores? Muchos de estos niños experimentaron eventos que los han dejado tristes, enojados o asustados. A los niños que participan en nuestro programa HEART se les asignará un consejero de habla hispana especialmente capacitado. Este servicio gratuito es confidencial.
Family Stabilization
This program provides in-home and in-office counseling and case management services for families who are in jeopardy of disruption of the family unit, including the possibility of having a child placed out of the home. Licensed therapists trained in trauma therapy work with the entire family, as well as the members individually to strengthen family bonds.
Youth Services Program
This program provides trauma-informed therapy to youth at risk of involvement, or already involved in the juvenile justice system. Youth aged 12 – 21 are provided with short term (12-15 weeks) of individual therapy to recognize and change unproductive and self-defeating patterns of behavior.
Intensive In-Community Service (IIC)
Intensive In-Community Service (IIC) is a goal oriented and needs based clinical intervention that addresses emotional and behavioral challenges of youth with moderate to high needs. It may be provided in a youth’s home or in an amenable community location by a licensed behavioral health clinician and is intended to stabilize and support the youth and family in an effort to decrease the need for more intrusive interventions. Youth and families receive IIC through the NJ Children’s System of Care.
Wellness and Recovery Support Services
Our Wellness and Recovery Support Services Program offers case management support and education services to adult individuals and families recovering from a substance use disorder (SUD) in Union County free of charge. The program's focus includes case management linkage and activities, care coordination with allied recovery support service providers and a monthly Wellness and Recovery education group. Individuals may self-refer, or be referred by all SUD providers in Union County. Program is funded by Union County A/DA.
Community & Professional Trauma Programs
Community Workshops
FACS provides a variety of workshops for adults on trauma-related topics for community groups, including schools, police departments, and others groups that work with children. Topics include Trauma 101, Secondary Traumatic Stress, Trauma and Child Development, and more.
Professional Trainings
Several times per year, FACS offers professional trainings to licensed clinicians on Evidence-Based Treatments including Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), Attachment, Regulation and Competency (ARC), and Trauma Affect Regulation Guide for Education and Therapy (TARGET).
Therapeutic Trauma Groups
FACS partners with community groups that serve at-promise (formerly “at-risk”) youths to provide Evidence-Based Therapy in a group setting. Groups are held once per week for approximately 12 weeks, and cover topics including identifying stressors, regulating stress reactions, and gaining coping skills.
For more information on any of these programs, and to learn more about how you can help, contact us.
Main Office
40 North Avenue
Elizabeth, NJ 07208
Ph: 908-352-7474
Fax: 908-965-3227
Midtown Elizabeth Office
70 West Grand Street
Elizabeth, NJ 07202
Ph: 908-372-1007
Fax: 908-372-1018